Human Services Department recommending adoption of Resolution amending the Department’s Authorized Personnel Allocation, deleting two (2.0 FTE) Care Management Counselor I/II (CMC I/II) positions.
FUNDING: Community Based Services Program State General Fund.
Resolution 198-2009
Initial 09-10 Linkages Allocation $ 243,967
Budgeted $ 243,967
Funding Reduction $ 196,130
09-10 RIF Savings $ 111,682 (2.0 FTE CMC I/II positions 9 months)
Other 09-10 Savings $ 84,448 (Transfer other staff to funded programs)
Total 09-10 Savings $ 196,130
Remaining 09-10 Funding $ 47,837
Change To Net County Cost $ 0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change. Elimination of 2.0 FTE CMC I/II positions and the transfer of other staff currently assigned and budgeted partially to Linkages to funded programs, combined with the phasing out of direct program services by September 30, 2009, will fully offset the loss of State General Fund dollars that funded the Linkages Program. Necessary budget adjustments will be made during the Budget Addenda process.
Reason for Recommendation:
For more than a decade, the California Department of Aging (CDA) has allocated, through an annual grant to El Dorado County, State General Fund dollars for provision of Community Based Services Program (CBSP) services, including funding for Linkages, a program designed to serve individuals 18 years of age or older who require assistance due to illness, injury or disability in order to live independently and who need support in managing care and obtaining services that are not available through other resources. Care Management Counselors provide case management and connect Linkages clients with appropriate community services. A small portion of the allocated funding has also been available for direct provision of in-home support services, respite care, home safety modifications and transportation.
The adopted FY 09-10 State budget ...
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