General Services Department requesting authorization to ratify the first option letter to Lease Agreement 123-L0511 with Pacific States Development to correct the amount of rent paid per month to $1,651.45 for the term September 15, 2007 and ending September 14, 2008 for office space located at 981 Governor Drive in El Dorado Hills; and authorize retroactive payments in arrears for the months of February 15, 2008 through May 14, 2008 in the amount of $5,275.
FUNDING: General Fund.
Total Estimated Cost - FY 07-08 $16,514.50
FY 08-09 $ 3,302.90
Budgeted $19,817.40
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $19,817.40
Change To Net County Cost $ 0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The Sheriff's Department has advised General Services that funds are available within their FY 2007-08 budget and will be included in their FY2008-2009 proposed budget.
Background: The Sheriff's Department has been leasing referenced facility since 1996 for a Sheriff's sub-station in El Dorado Hills.
Reason for Recommendation: On August 21, 2007, item #8, the Board of Supervisor approved to exercise the first option of Lease Agreement #123-L0511 in the amount of $1,587.32 per month for rental payments. The correct rent payments should be $1,651.45. Lease payments were made from September 15, 2007 through February 14, 2008 in the amount of $7,936.60 using the $1,587.32 rent amounts.
Following Board approval the Sheriff's Department will process payment as summarized below to bring this account current:
February 15, thru March 14, 2008 = $1,651.45
March 15, thru April 14, 2008 = $1,651.45
April 15, thru May 14, 2008 = $1,651.45
Arrears due for Sept. 07 thru Feb 2008= $ 320.65
Total due: $5,275.00
Contact: Charles Harrell
Concurrences: County Counsel and Risk Management have approved...
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