Human Services Department recommending the Chairman be authorized to sign Amendment I to Agreement for Services 609-S0711 with EDCA Lifeskills, Inc. in a not to exceed amount of $250,000 and extending the term through April 25, 2010 for provision of therapeutic counseling and substance abuse testing services on an “as requested” basis for clients referred by said Department.
FUNDING: Funding sources are 85% Federal/State Social Services Allocation with a 15% County match.
Total Estimated Cost $0.00
Budgeted $0.00
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $0.00
Change To Net County Cost $0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No Change. The Agreement is funded by the Social Services allocation with required County match met primarily with realignment resources. Funds were budgeted FY 2006-07 and FY 2008-09 and the remainder will be budgeted for FY 2009-10.
Background: Procurement and Contracts prepared Agreement #609-S0711 with EDCA Lifeskills, Inc. for the provision of therapeutic counseling and substance abuse testing services on an “as requested’ basis for eligible clients of the Department of Human Services. The Board approved and executed Agreement for Services #609-S0711 with EDCA Lifeskills, Inc. on April 10, 2007.
Reason for Recommendation: The provision of therapeutic counseling and substance abuse testing services continues to prove to be a successful tool for promoting reunification of families served by the Department of Human Services (DHS) while contracting out to local vendors continues to be the most efficient and cost-effective method of delivering these services to eligible DHS clients. Amendment I extends the term one (1) year, adds additional comprehensive substance abuse testing services, establishes rates for specific services not included in the Standardized Rates adopte...
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