Health and Human Services Agency, Community Services Division, recommending the Board:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request increasing Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Weatherization Program revenue and appropriations by $100,000 of Federal and State funding; and $100,000 in General Fund; and decreasing the General Fund contribution and appropriations by $100,000 in the Aging Programs due to program savings; and
2) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request increasing revenue and appropriations by $50,000 in the Senior Day Care Program due to additional fee revenue. (4/5 vote required)
FUNDING: Federal and State revenue, General Fund and Sr. Day Care fees.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve the Chair to sign a Budget Transfer Request (BTR) to increase revenue and appropriations by $200,000 in the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program and Weatherization Program (LIHEAP) by transferring previously allocated General Fund from Aging Programs revenue and appropriations by $100,000 and increasing grant funding by $100,000. HHSA received a higher than anticipated grant amount for the LIHEAP program, thereby allowing increased services to the clients in the amount of $100,000. Additionally, the General Fund contribution previously budgeted for these programs was insufficient to cover current year program activities and increased costs as well as additional match requirements for the increased grant revenue. HHSA has identified savings in the Aging Services Program due to staff vacancies, and is requesting to transfer said funds to cover the LIHEAP Program. This transfer would result in no increase to Net County Cost.
In addition, HHSA recommending the Board approve the Chair to sign a BTR increasing revenue and appropriations by $50,000 for the Senior Day Care (SDC) Program. Increased attendance at both SDC sites ...
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