Supervisor Turnboo recommending the Board accept the donation of a K9 monument statue in accordance with California Government Code, Section 25355, valued at approximately $150,000, to be placed at the entrance to the Public Safety Facility, subject to the execution of a donation agreement between the County, the artist Austin Weishel and the El Dorado County Sheriff’s Posse.
FUNDING: Donations.
California Government Code, Section 25355, states, “The Board may accept or reject any gift, bequest or devise made to or in favor of the county, or to or in favor of the Board in trust for any public purpose. The Board may delegate to any county officer or employee the power to accept any gift, bequest, or devise made to or in favor of the county. The officer or employee shall file with the Board each quarter a report that describes the source and value of each gift valued in excess of $10,000 or any other amount as determined by the Board. The Board may hold and dispose of the property and the income and increase thereof for those lawful uses and purposes as are prescribed in the terms of the gift, bequest or devise. In accounting for or inventorying gifts, bequests or devises, the officer or employee shall follow the appropriate procedures contained in the State Controller’s manual entitled, “Accounting Standards and Procedures for Counties.”
The Sheriff and Supervisor Turnboo had discussions regarding the creation of a monument at the Public Safety Facility for K9 Officers and their handlers. The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Posse thereafter undertook to solicit donations to have an K9 monument and statue constructed and placed near the entrance of the Public Safety Facility at no cost to the County. The El Dorado County Sheriff’s Posse has been very successful in their fundraising efforts and sufficient funds will be raised to complete the K9 monument. Subsequently discussions were held among the Sheriff, Chief Administrat...
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