Sheriff's Office recommending the Board approve the request for relief from accountability for a cash shortage of $970 in the Placerville DOJ Fingerprints Agency Trust Account, and $663 in the South Lake Tahoe DOJ Fingerprints Agency Trust Account, pursuant to Government Code Section 29390 due to delays in reconciling cash differences over a period of multiple fiscal years.
FUNDING: Sheriff's FY 13/14 budget.
Total Estimated Cost
$1,633 |
$1,633 |
New Funding
. |
Total Funding Available
$1,633 |
Change To Net County Cost
0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No Change to Net County Cost. The Sheriff's FY 13/14 budget will be debited $1,633 to reconcile the shortages.
Due to unresolved overages and shortages that have been compounded over an extended period of time dating back beyond FY 10/11, there was insufficient cash to make scheduled payments to the State of California Department of Justice without going into a negative cash balance. The Auditor-Controller approved the processing of payment for June in FY 12/13 and urged the Sheriff's Office to take the matter to the Board of Supervisors and obtain a "relief from accountability" as required in the Cash Handling Guidelines.
Reason for Recommendation
Pursuant to Government Code Section 29390, the County historically has required departments to present to the Board a request for relief from accountability for cash shortages.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
Sheriff's Office will prepare an expenditure Journal Entry increasing expenditures in Department 24 and increasing revenue in the respective DOJ Fingerprints Agency Trust Accounts. New controls and processes have been put in place to ensure these overages and shortages are reconciled on a monthly basis and the Trust Accounts are in balance.
Undersheriff Rich Williams