File #: 21-0168    Version: 1
Type: Agenda Item Status: Department Matters
File created: 1/25/2021 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 2/9/2021 Final action: 2/9/2021
Title: Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Stormwater and Planning Division, recommending the Board receive a presentation on options to address Vacation Home Rental clusters in the Tahoe Basin and provide direction to staff. FUNDING: N/A
Attachments: 1. A - Slide Deck, 2. Public Comment BOS Rcvd 2-9-2021
Related files: 19-1521, 18-1400, 19-0403, 18-0181, 18-1782, 18-1964, 18-0816, 08-1458, 20-1477, 18-1121, 17-1134, 19-0079, 18-0058, 18-1279, 21-1262, 21-0524
Planning and Building Department, Tahoe Stormwater and Planning Division, recommending the Board receive a presentation on options to address Vacation Home Rental clusters in the Tahoe Basin and provide direction to staff.

At the December 2, 2020 meeting of the Board of Supervisors, the Board approved final passage of Ordinance 5135, amending Title 5 - County Business License Ordinance of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code, Chapter 5.56 - Vacation Home Rentals, making clarifying updates to the code for the purpose of program implementation and introducing a cap of 900 permits total in the Tahoe Basin. At that meeting and the previous Board meeting of November 17, 2020, the Board directed staff to return in 90 days and present options on introducing additional locational criteria into the County’s VHR Ordinance. This item will do just that and will provide the Board with four distinct buffering options to choose from.

Staff will utilize spatial tools to present a 150’, 300’ and 500’ buffer around existing VHRs, where no other VHRs would be allowed. Staff will also present an option to have 1,000’ buffer around large VHRs with 12 or more occupants, where no other large VHRs would be allowed.

These different buffering options essentially place a cap on VHRs, although it is difficult to determine exactly what that cap would be due to the multitude of permutations that come with different VHR and parcel size scenarios. Therefore, the VHR Maximum number in the following table is an estimate and does not take into account that current eligible lots are not evenly distributed.

Buffer Existing Candidate Potential Eligible Average Buffer Maximum
Distance VHRs* VHRs VHRs VHRs Impact No. of VHRs
none 707 7,995 1,037 9,739 n/a 9,739
150 ft 707 4,167 500 5,374 6.17 1,577
300 ft 707 2,365 249 3,321 9.08 1,073
500 ft 707 1,407 112 2,226 10.63 916

The following are definitions on the terms in ...

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