Probation Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Lease Agreement 9121 with A&G Holdings, LLC, for monthly rent for transitional housing located at 3769 Pioneer Trail, South Lake Tahoe, for a non-minor dependent youth under Less Restrictive Programming, in the monthly amount of $1,750, to commence February 1, 2025, and terminate on January 31, 2026.
FUNDING: California Health and Human Services Agency, Office of Youth and Community Restoration, Secure Youth Treatment Facility placement to Less Restrictive Programs Grant (100%).
On December 5, 2023, with Legistar file 23-1752, the Board of Supervisors approved grant award Agreement 2023-330-OYCR, FENIX Agreement 8243, with the California Health and Human Services (CalHHS) Agency, Office of Youth and Community Restoration (OYCR) in the revenue amount of $100,000.
Probation will use a portion of the OYCR grant funding to provide transitional housing services to a non-minor dependent youth under Less Restrictive Programming (LRP). A non-minor dependent is a person who is 18, 19, or 20 years of age and is participating in extended foster care (under dependency, transition, or delinquency jurisdiction). Extended foster care was established in 2010 by the passage of California Assembly Bill 12, The Fostering Connections to Success Act and was implemented starting in 2012. The Board approved the first lease with A&G Holdings on January 30, 2024 (Legistar file 23-2239), with a term of February 1, 2024, through January 31, 2025. Lease Agreement 9121 will allow said youth to stay at his current apartment, where he has been residing since aforementioned Board approval.
Board approval is required for this agreement because the Purchasing Agent does not have authority to execute leases of real property. The monthly payments are $1,750, with an amount not to exceed $21,300, which factors in $300 for unforeseen circumstances, for the term of the lease.
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