Transportation Department recommending the Board approve the Correctory Grant Deed for the property identified as APN 327-290-59 & 60 (formerly APN 327-190-58), owned by WRI Golden State LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company; and authorize the Chairman to sign the Certificate of Acceptance for same.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
The Department of Transportation previously processed a Grant Deed executed by WRI Golden State LLC, A Delaware Limited Liability Company, in favor of El Dorado County, as a result of acquiring necessary right of way land rights for the U.S. Highway 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvement Project Phase 1A (Project #71317) and Phase 1B (Project #71336), and said documents were recorded by Placer Title Company, on October 31, 2007, as Doc. # 2007-0068077.
Reason for Recommendation:
In preparation of the final Record of Survey map for Project #71317 and #71336, certain errors were discovered in the legal description that accompanied the original Grant Deed. Those errors have now been corrected and a new legal description and Correctory Grant Deed have been executed by the Grantor.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1) The Board Chairman will execute the Certificate of Acceptance for the Correctory Grant Deed.
2) The Board Clerk will record the Correctory Grant Deed, Exhibits and Certificate of Acceptance.
3) The Department will send a copy of the recorded Correctory Grant Deed and Certificate of Acceptance to the affected property owner.
Contact: James W. Ware, P.E., Director of Transportation
Concurrences: County Counsel