Health and Human Services Agency, Public Health Division, recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign the following Amendments to Alcohol and Drug Program Agreements for Alcohol and Drug Counseling service contracts, increasing the not-to-exceed amounts with no change to the term of the Agreements:
1) Family Connections, Amendment 4 to Agreement 053-110-P-E2010 (003-S1110) increasing the current not-to-exceed amount of $109,867 to $129,867; and
2) Progress House, Inc., Amendment 3 to Agreement 097-110-P-E2010 (001-S1110) increasing the not-to-exceed amount of $308,957 to $356,957.
FUNDING: State Department of Alcohol and Drug Program (ADP) Negotiated Net Amount (NNA) Agreement.
Total Estimated Cost $486,824
Budgeted $109,867 Family Connections
$308,957 Progress House
New Funding $20,000 Family Connections
$48,000 Progress House
Total Funding Available $486,824
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: There is no Net County Cost associated with these two Alcohol and Drug Counseling (AOD) Agreements. Funding for the Agreements is included in the Division's fiscal year 2011-12 budget.
Background: The Health and Human Services Agency Public Health Division receives an annual State Negotiated Net Amount (NNA) Agreement that includes multiple State and Federal funding streams to provide substance abuse counseling, testing and treatment services. The Department subcontracts a portion of these services to local treatment service providers, having determined that these services are more economically and feasibly performed by outside independent entities, as authorized by the El Dorado County Charter, Section 210 (b) (6) and/or Government Code 31000.
Contracts with multiple vendors are necessary to meet the needs of adult and juvenile clients in residential and non-residential settings as well as meet a broader ...
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