Information Technologies Department and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 055-2012 to approve the job specifications and salary ranges for Telecommunications Technician I/II and System Support Specialist I/II.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change for fiscal year 2011-12. The salary ranges for these positons have been built into the Information Technologies fiscal year 2012-13 budget as a cost savings measure.
Reason for Recommendation: The Information Technologies Department has received several letters of intent to retire and also had staff leave to go to other departments. Due to changing technology there is a need to provide staffing to meet the new skills and knowledge to support newer technology. The retirements and vacancies presented an opportuntiy in conjunction with budget preparation for fiscal year 2012-13 to review and reorganize the department structure to meet changing County technology needs. In order to support the County, there are changing needs in operational areas of IT that will be addressed with these job classifications. In addition, these positions will be filled at lower levels that have not been available for several years due to the longevity of the emloyees that previously staffed the positions.
The use of these new classifcations and revised salary ranges have been factored into the Information Technology Department FY2012-13 budget as a cost savings measure.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Human Resources will add these classificatons to to the salary schedule. IT will initiate recruitments to fill positions in areas where staff will be leaving or has already left.
Contact: Kelly Webb
Concurrences: Human Resources