File #: 12-1303    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Adopted
File created: 10/10/2012 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 12/4/2012 Final action: 12/4/2012
Title: Health and Human Services Agency and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 157-2012 to amend the County's adopted Personnel Allocation for the Health and Human Services Agency as follows: 1) Add 1.0 Program Manager II, Full Time Equivalent (FTE); 2) Add 1.0 Social Services Supervisor II, (FTE); 3) Add 1.0 Staff Services Analyst I/II, (FTE); 4) Delete 1.0 Staff Services Manager, (FTE); and 5) Delete 1.0 vacant Account Clerk III, (FTE). (Con't. 11/13/12, Item 14) FUNDING: 85% Federal/State, 15% County match met primarily with Realignment.
Attachments: 1. A - HHSA Alloc changes 12-1303.pdf, 2. B - Ltr from Auditor-Controller-12-4-12.pdf, 3. Executed Resolution 157-2012.PDF
Health and Human Services Agency and Human Resources recommending the Board adopt Resolution 157-2012 to amend the County's adopted Personnel Allocation for the Health and Human Services Agency as follows:
1) Add 1.0 Program Manager II, Full Time Equivalent (FTE);
2) Add 1.0 Social Services Supervisor II, (FTE);
3) Add 1.0 Staff Services Analyst I/II, (FTE);
4) Delete 1.0 Staff Services Manager, (FTE); and
5) Delete 1.0 vacant Account Clerk III, (FTE). (Con't. 11/13/12, Item 14)

FUNDING: 85% Federal/State, 15% County match met primarily with Realignment.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no increase to Net County Cost associated with the addition of these positions to the Agency's authorized personnel allocation.

The Program Manager II position is included in the Agency's FY 2012/13 Budget. Sufficient Federal/State and Realignment funding for these positions is available within the Agency's Fiscal Year 2012/13 Budget.

The total cost of the Social Services Supervisor II position, inclusive of salary and benefits, is approximately $69,782 and will be offset in the current fiscal year with salary savings. Beginning in Fiscal Year 2013/14, HHSA will shift Promoting Safe and Stable Families (PSSF) funding to adoptions to cover these increased costs, resulting in no increase to Net County Cost.

The cost of the Staff Services Analyst position, inclusive of salary and benefits, is $79,349 which is approximately $7,212 more than the Account Clerk III position. The new Staff Services Analyst position will be filled through an Agency promotional recruitment and the vacated position will not be backfilled. These additional costs will be offset with salary savings in Fiscal Year 2012/13, and during the Fiscal Year 2013/14 budget process HHSA will delete a vacant Account Clerk II position that results from the Agency promotional recruitment identified above, resulting in no increase to NCC.

Reason for Recommendation
The Health and...

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