Department of Transportation recommending the Board take the following actions related to the Cold Springs Road Realignment Project, CIP No. 73360:
1) Adopt the California Environmental Quality Act Mitigated Negative Declaration; and
2) Approve the Project as described in the California Environmental Quality Act document.
FUNDING: The Cold Springs Road Realignment Project is included in the Adopted 2012 Capital Improvement Program and is funded through a combination of Highway Safety Improvement Program Funds and Regional Surface Transportation Program Exchange Funds.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Adoption of this Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and approval of the Cold Springs Road Realignment Project (Project) will not result in any fiscal impact.
The recommended Board actions are based on the following findings:
A) The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document on file with the Acting Clerk of the Board, and on the Department of Transportation (Department) website at http://www.edcgov.us/Government/DOT/CEQA.aspx, was prepared pursuant to Public Resources Code §21000 et seq. and the State CEQA Guidelines.
B) There is no substantial evidence that the Project, as mitigated, will have a significant effect on the environment.
C) The MND for the Project reflects the lead agency's independent judgment and analysis.
The County has identified the Project Area as a location with above-average accident rates. As a result of the higher frequency of accidents, the County was awarded a grant from the Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP), a federal safety grant program administered by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA).
Project Location:
The Project is located on Cold Springs Road approximately three quarters of a mile south of the intersection with Gold Hill Road, approximately 3.25 miles north of U.S. Highway 50 (U.S. 50) and approximately 3 miles south of the Community of Coloma, in west central El Dorado County.
Project Description:
Roadway improvements proposed by this Project would occur along two segments of Cold Springs Road that are separated by a 400 foot stretch of road that will not be modified as part of this Project. Segment 1 extends approximately 1,100 feet from Skyview Lane north to Fox Print Court. Segment 2 extends approximately 1,130 feet, and is located 600 feet north of the intersection of Cold Springs Road with Mt. Shasta Lane. Existing land uses surrounding the Project Area include wooded grasslands and pastures with scattered homes on five-acre parcels or larger.
A detailed Project description can be found in the MND document available on the Department's website at <http://www.edcgov.us/Government/DOT/CEQA.aspx>, and in Attachment B of this Legistar item. A hard copy can be obtained at the Department's office located at 2850 Fairlane Court, Placerville.
Construction is anticipated to take approximately four months (80 working days) and is anticipated to begin in 2013. All staging associated with construction would take place in previously disturbed areas where feasible.
Mitigation Measures:
Mitigation measures are added to the Project to reduce potential impacts to a level of insignificance. The Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Plan can be found within the MND document as Appendix A.
Public Notification:
The Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration was advertised in the Mountain Democrat, the entire document was posted on the Department's website and hard copies were available at the Department's offices. Individual notices were also sent to those directly affected within the Project Area and to relevant agencies. The review period began on September 24, 2012 and ended October 24, 2012.
Public Comments:
Standard comments were received from Resource Agencies. All standard requirements are met within the MND document.
No negative comments were received from the public.
Reason for Recommendation
The Department is the local lead agency and prepared the MND to consider the significance of potential Project impacts in accordance with the State CEQA Guidelines (14 CA Administrative Code, §14000 et seq.).
Certification of this MND for the Project would complete the CEQA portion of the environmental phase toward ultimate delivery of this Project. As a federally funded project, the State of California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) is the agency designated by the FHWA to administer the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Categorical Exclusion, utilizing the required studies completed by the County. At this time, the NEPA portion of the environmental phase for this Project is nearing completion and approval. The Department will return to the Board upon receipt of NEPA clearance to request authorization to commence the acquisition of Right of Way.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
The Department will file a Notice of Determination with the office of the County Recorder/Clerk.
Kim Kerr, Interim Director
Department of Transportation
County Counsel