Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board adopt a Proclamation designating May 2013 as "Foster Parent Appreciation Month" in the County of El Dorado.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Reason for Recommendation
Each year America celebrates the month of May as National Foster Care Month. The adoption and presentation of a Proclamation to designate May 2013 as Foster Parent Appreciation Month in the County of El Dorado provides an opportunity for the Board of Supervisors to pay tribute to the County's foster parent population and encourage all businesses, public and private, as well as all schools, groups, and citizens to acknowledge the importance of foster care in their own community.
Action(s) to be taken following Board approval
Board Clerk to return one (1) original copy of the fully signed Foster Parent Appreciation Month proclamation adopted by the Board of Supervisors to the Health and Human Services Agency at Briw Road.
Don Ashton, Assistant Director