Transportation recommending the Board adopt Resolution 049-2013 to claim an allocation of $32,000 in Transportation Development Act Article 3 Local Transportation Fund Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds from the El Dorado County Transportation Commission for the Green Valley Road Class 2 Bike Lanes, CIP Project No. 72309.
FUNDING: Transportation Development Act Article 3 Local Transportation Fund Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds, El Dorado County Transportation Commission Resolution No. 11/12.27.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There is no change to net County cost. The Green Valley Road Class 2 Bike Lanes Project (CIP Project No. 72309) will be included in the FY 2013/2014 proposed budget and will be added to the 2013 Capital Improvement Program.
In April 2012, Transportation submitted a project grant application to the State of California Department of Transportation's Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA). The proposed BTA project is to design and construct class II bike lanes on Green Valley Road between Loch Way and the signalized entrance to Pleasant Grove Middle School. The total project cost estimate is $320,000.
On December 11, 2012, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors approved a BTA grant agreement for $288,000.
Transportation requested $32,000 in EDCTC funds to match the $288,000 FY 2012/13 BTA grant.
On April 5, 2012 the El Dorado County Transportation Commission’s Board of Directors adopted Resolution 11/12.27 allocating $32,000 in Transportation Development Act Article 3 funds to Transportation for the Project.
Reason for Recommendation:
EDCTC requires a Resolution adopted by your Board authorizing Transportation to claim Transportation Development Act Article 3 funds that were allocated by EDCTC Resolution 11/12.27.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1. The Clerk of the Board to obtain the Chairman’s signature on the Resolution.
2. The Clerk of the Board to send a fully-executed copy of the Resolu...
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