Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Authorize the Chair to sign the Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes and the Certificates of Acceptance for the related documents from Donald W. Fields and Beverly A. Fields, Trustees of the Donald W. Fields and Beverly A. Fields Revocable Trust, for Assessor’s Parcel Number 325-110-47;
2) Authorize the Acting Community Development Agency Director or designee to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees, for the Green Valley Road at Weber Creek - Bridge Replacement Project, CIP No. 77114; and
3) Authorize the Acting Community Development Agency Director or designee to extend the date of closure of escrow upon mutual agreement of both parties.
FUNDING: Highway Bridge Program, Regional Surface Transportation Program Rural Exchange Funds, Regional Surface Transportation Program Caltrans Exchange Funds, Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees.
Total Estimated Cost…………… $181,802.00
Budgeted………………………… $181,802.00
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $181,802.00
Change To Net County Cost…… $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Acquisition costs are $179,302.00 with title and escrow costs estimated at $2,500 for a total estimated cost of $181,802.00. Funding for the acquisition process will be provided by a combination of the Highway Bridge Program, Regional Surface Transportation Program Rural Exchange Funds, Regional Surface Transportation Program Caltrans Exchange Funds, and Traffic Impact Mitigation Fees.
The Green Valley Road at Weber Creek Bridge Replacement Project (Project) includes the replacement of the bridge at Weber Creek, widening and realignment of Green Valley Road at the bridge approaches, and improvements to the drainage along Green Vall...
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