HEARING - At the request of Waste Connections of California, Inc. dba El Dorado Disposal Service, Inc., and pursuant to the amended August 23, 2004 Solid Waste Services Agreement, to consider their request to conduct a public hearing and adopt Resolution 060-2014 increasing the solid waste collection and Material Recovery Facility rates by 1.6 percent (1.6%), effective July 1, 2014. (Est Time: 30 Min.)
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no change in Net County Cost.
The County of El Dorado entered into a Solid Waste Services Agreement (Agreement) with Waste Connections of California, Inc. dba El Dorado Disposal Service, Inc. (EDS) on August 23, 2004, to provide services for the collection and safe transport to disposal facilities of municipal solid wastes and the recycling of recyclable materials. The Agreement was amended by the First Amendment of Solid Waste Services Agreement, effective January 1, 2010 (Legistar item 09-1542).
In accordance with the Solid Waste Services Agreement as amended between the County of El Dorado and Waste Connections of California, Inc., Section 22 - Compensation, Inflation/Deflation Adjustment - Contractor's rates shall be adjusted annually effective July 1st of each year during the Term of this Agreement based on the Consumer Price Index - All Items - All Urban Consumers - California as published by the State of California, Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Statistics and Research. The month to be used for purposes of measuring the point-to-point base period, for the purpose of rate setting adjustment, shall be December of each year.
Reason for Recommendation
On March 31, 2014, pursuant to the Agreement, the Community Development Agency, Environmental Management Division (EMD) received a letter from EDS requesting a 1.6% rate increase, effective July 1, 2014.
The Consumer Price Index - All Items - All Urban Consumers - California as published by the State of Cali...
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