The River Management Advisory Committee and the Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board approve final passage (Second Reading) of Ordinance 5007 amending Chapter 5.50 of the El Dorado County Ordinance Code to include the following;
1) Prohibition of any glass bottle, jar, tumbler or vessel of any nature within 100 feet from the waterline on the South Fork of the American River on County Property including but not limited to Henningsen Lotus Park and Chili Bar Park, and
2) Ban any glass bottle, jar, tumbler or vessel of any nature on the South Fork of the American River (Cont. 6/10/14, Item 76)
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
No Fiscal Impact or change to Net County Cost.
Glass Ban
On June 10, 2014 (Item 76) the Board approved the First Reading of Ordinance 5007 and continued the item to June 17, 2014 for consideration of final passage.
On March 18, 2014 the County River Management Advisory Committee (RMAC) held a meeting and recommended the Board of Supervisors ban glass within 100' of the waterline of the South Fork of the American River due to the serious public health and safety hazard created by discarded and broken glass on and around the river. This recommended ban was essentially a continuation of an item on the agenda for the July 9, 2009 RMAC meeting where the committee voted to support a ban of glass on the South Fork American River and within 100’ of the waterline on County and State properties.
County Ordinance 5.50, titled “Specific Use Regulations for the South Fork, of the American River” states “The County has designated the portion of the South Fork of the American River between Chili Bar Dam and the confluence of the Folsom Lake State Recreation Area as a special-use area pursuant to California Harbors and Navigation Code section 660. (Ord. 4596, 3-19-2002)”
The County has a River Management Plan (Plan) that states that the Harbors and Navigation Code (Section 660 [a]) defines wh...
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