Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 081-2014 amending the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution 067-2014 for the Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division to add one 1.0 FTE Senior Engineering Technician position for a 2-year Limited Term timeframe.
FUNDING: State Grants and General Fund (No Federal Funds).
Total Estimated Cost…………… $100,114
Budget - Current FY……………
Budget - Future FY……………… $30,034
New Funding…………………….
Other…………………………… $70,080
Total Funding Available………… $100,114
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
The Chief Administrative Office, Parks Division (Parks), is requesting to add a Senior Engineering Technician position to Parks for a two-year limited-term basis at an annual cost of approximately $100,114. The FY 2014-15 recommended budget for Park's, approved by the Board on June 12, 2014, has sufficient funding to cover position costs. The funding breakdown is $70,080 through approved State Grant funding that has been received for numerous years, with the General Fund covering remaining $30,034.
With only 2.0 FTEs, one that is a Department Analyst that works solely in the office, Parks Operations has and continues to struggle to handle the increased workload associated with managing County Park and Trail duties. This understaffing has required some creativity to complete extra work and includes assistance from the Transportation Division (Division) within the Community Development Agency. This mechanism has achieved some desired results but does not provide for “as-needed” Rubicon Trail related services or meet additional needs of Parks. These additional needs include tree removal, winter trail monitoring, site visits, customer service and complaint responses, Adopt-a-Trail coordination, activity/needs documentation, grant coordination, GIS mapping, construction oversight...
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