Health and Human Services Agency, Mental Health Division, recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign retroactive Agreement for Services 552-S1411 with JDT Consultants, Inc., with a maximum obligation of $200,000 for the term of January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2016, for Therapeutic Behavioral Services for mentally ill minors on an as requested basis; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to the above noted Agreement for Services 552-S1411, including amendments which do not affect the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: State and Federal Funding.
Total Estimated Cost
$200,000 |
Budget- 1/1/14 through 12/31/16. |
$200,000 |
Total Funding Available.
$200,000 |
Change To Net County Cost
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
There is no change to the Net County Cost associated with this agenda item. Sufficient appropriations are included in the Fiscal Year 2013-14 budget and will be included in future County Budget Requests.
JDT Consultants provides Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS) on an "as requested" basis via a network of TBS providers in a variety of locations throughout the State. JDT Consultants has been providing TBS services to El Dorado County Clients since 2007. TBS is considered a specialty mental health treatment in accordance with California Code of Regulations Title 9, Chapter 11, and a one-to-one behavioral mental health service available to children/youth with serious emotional challenges who are under age 21 and are eligible for Medi-Cal benefits. TBS is designed to help children/youth and parents/caregivers manage behavior utilizing short-term, measurable goals based on the needs of the child/youth and family. The goal of TBS is to help children avoid being placed in a higher level of care such as a residential treatment facility or to help children make a successful move to a lower level of care such as returning home after residential treatment.
In March 2014 the Auditor's office notified the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) that during an audit it was discovered that JDT Consultants had become incorporated. Payment for services provided in the January 2014 is being held pending a new Agreement for Services with the correct business entity information.
Reason for Recommendation
This retroactive Agreement is required to recognize the change in business entity to allow HHSA to issue payment to JDT Consultants for work already performed. In addition, approval of this Agreement 552-S1411 will ensure ongoing availability of TBS for children/youth in need of such services.
Clerk of the Board Follow Up Actions
1) Clerk of the Board to obtain the Chair's signature on the two (2) originals of Agreement for Services 552-S1411.
2) Clerk of the Board to forward one (1) fully executed original Agreement to HHSA Contracts Unit at Briw Road.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director
County Counsel, Human Resources, and Risk Management