Community Development Agency, Environmental Management Division, recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 641-SO1411 with El Dorado Irrigation District (EID) for a three-year term where the County would receive compensation for inspection of hazardous waste storage and disposal practices for automobile servicing businesses with wastewater connection services to EID in the County.
Funding: Funding will be on a reimbursement basis to the County on a per facility inspection basis (initially $20 per inspection).
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
The proposed agreement would reimburse the County for County expenses on a per inspection basis (initially $20 per inspection). There is no change to the Net County Cost associated with this item.
EID requires all automobile-servicing businesses within its sewer collection system area to apply for and adhere to an individually issued Wastewater Discharge Permit by EID. Active permits require periodic inspections by EID program staff to verify compliance. Community Development Agency, Environmental Management Division (CDA/EMD), Hazardous Materials Unit is approved by the California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal-EPA) as the Certified Unified Program Agency (CUPA) for El Dorado County, and administers the local government programs overseeing Hazardous Materials Storage/Business Plans and Hazardous Waste Generators for commercial businesses including, but not limited to, auto businesses. CDA/EMD staff performs periodic inspections to verify compliance.
Since CDA/EMD already conducts inspections and generates reports for auto businesses under the CUPA program similar to EID's inspections and reports, CDA/EMD will provide printable electronic copies of reports identifying various acute and non-acute hazards documented during inspections to EID. The cost shall be $20.00 per facility inspection report furnished to EID for the first calenda...
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