Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board consider the following for the U.S. 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements - Phase 1C Riparian Restoration Project, CIP No. 71346, Purchasing Contract No. 201-C1599:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign the Easement Acquisition Agreement for Public Purposes and the Certificate of Acceptance for the related documents from Taft A. Freitas and Dorothy A. Freitas, Husband and Wife as Joint Tenants, for Assessor's Parcel Number 325-180-30;
2) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to execute the escrow instructions and any other related escrow documents pertaining to the transaction, including payment of title and escrow fees; and
3) Authorize the Community Development Agency Director, or designee, to extend the date of closure of escrow upon mutual agreement of both parties.
FUNDING: Master Circulation & Funding Plan Program. (No Federal Funds)
Total Estimated Cost…………… $ 23,650.00
Budget - Current FY…………… $ 23,650.00
Budget - Future FY………………
New Funding…………………….
Total Funding Available………… $ 23,650.00
Change To Net County Cost…… $ 0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost
Fee and Easement acquisition costs are $21,150 with title and escrow costs estimated at $2,500 for a total estimated cost of $23,650. Funding for the acquisition process is budgeted in the current Capital Improvement Program and will be provided by the Master Circulation & Funding Plan Program Funds.
The U.S. 50/Missouri Flat Road Interchange Improvements - Phase 1C Riparian Restoration Project, CIP No. 71346 (Project) is the third phase of the reconstruction of the U.S. 50/Missouri Flat Interchange. Prior phases of this Project are referenced as Phase 1A - CIP No. 71317 and Phase 1B - CIP No. 71336. Phase 1C includes riparian restoration and landscape improvemen...
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