Acting as the Governing Board of the El Dorado County Public Housing Authority, Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board adopt Resolution 050-2015 to:
1) Acknowledge the El Dorado County Public Housing Authority (PHA) as a high performing agency exempt from the requirement to submit an annual Agency Plan;
2) Approve and authorize Items 1.0 through 5.2 of the Public Housing Authority Five-Year Agency Plan due to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development by April 17, 2015;
3) Approve an amendment to the Public Housing Authority Administrative Plan for continued administration of the Housing Choice Voucher Program;
4) Authorize the Chair to sign the accompanying PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plans and Related Regulations HUD-50077, Civil Rights Certification HUD-50077-CR, and any further certifications related to submittal of the Five-Year Agency Plan and the 2015 Update to the Administrative Plan; and
5) Recognize the contribution of the Public Housing Authority Participant Advisory Board in assisting with development of the Five-Year Agency Plan and amendment to the Administrative Plan. (Est. Time: 10 Min.)
FUNDING: Federal Funding.
The El Dorado County Public Housing Authority (PHA) is required to submit the Five-Year Agency Plan to HUD by April 17, 2015, to remain in compliance with federal regulations. Current changes to the Administrative Plan reflect minor federal regulatory changes made during the past year and local policy changes. Submittal of the Five-Year Agency Plan, HUD Certifications, and Board Resolution to HUD by the deadline will bring the El Dorado County PHA up to date in all aspects of administering the HCV Program.
The El Dorado County PHA provides eligible participants with rental assistance vouchers to offset housing costs through the Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Program (formally known as Section 8). This federally funded program provides eligible low-income individuals and families with safe and sanitary housing. HUD requires all PHAs develop and maintain two plans for the operation and administration of the HCV Program. The PHA Agency Plan addresses all aspects of the overall operation of the HCV Program and the PHA Administrative Plan establishes policies that conform to HUD regulations.
Public Housing Authority Agency Plan:
Historically, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has required all public housing authorities to submit an updated Annual Agency Plan to provide the residents of the jurisdiction over which the PHA presides with knowledge of the PHA's long-term and short-term goals and objectives. The Plan identifies policies, rules, and standards that govern program participation and management. Title VII of the Housing and Economic Recovery Act of 2008, passed by the United States Congress on July 28, 2008, establishes certain exemptions to the annual submittal requirements under sections 2701 and 2702 of the Small Public Housing Authorities Paperwork Reduction Act. A PHA that is determined to be exempt from the required Annual Agency Plan update and submittal must have fewer than 550 vouchers or units, must not be designated as a troubled PHA, and must not have a failing score under the Section 8 Management Assessment Program (SEMAP). The El Dorado County PHA, which currently has 374 vouchers, has been designated as a high performing qualified PHA and, therefore, is exempt from the requirement to submit an updated Annual Agency Plan. The Five-Year Agency Plan is required of all PHAs and was last completed by the El Dorado County PHA in 2010.
Public Housing Authority Administrative Plan Amendment:
On September 12, 1995, the Board adopted a local Administrative Plan to establish policies for the Public Housing Authority. The Administrative Plan must be amended on an annual basis to keep the Plan consistent with changes initiated at the federal level and to reflect any local policy changes.
County Counsel approval of resolution.
Due to Federal regulations it is recommended that this agenda item pass if continued participation in this program is a priority.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this item.
Provide the Health and Human Services Agency at Briw Road, with:
1) One (1) certified Resolution; and
2) One (1) PHA Certifications of Compliance with PHA Plans and Related Regulations; and
3) One (1) Civil Rights Certification, signed by the Chair.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director