Community Development Agency, Development Services Division, recommending the Board take the following actions on the Consultant Contracts for the Tilden Park project, funded entirely with development applicant funding (General Plan Amendment A08-0015/Rezone Z08-0039/Planned Development PD08-0025/Tentative Map TM08-1485):
1) Make findings pursuant to County Ordinance Section 3.13.030 that is more economical and feasible to engage an independent contractor in the preparation of a Focused Environmental Impact Report due to the unavailability of qualified County employees to perform the work;
2) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign Agreement for Services #365-S1510 with Analytical Environmental Services for the preparation of a Focused Environmental Impact Report, for a three year term following final execution, and a not-to-exceed value of $33,550.00; and
3) Approve and authorize the Purchasing Agent to sign the First Amendment to Funding Agreement No. 002D-F-12/13-PA with Real Returns, LLC ("Applicant") to increase the not-to-exceed amount of the Agreement by $14,587.00, for a total not-to-exceed amount of $55,853.00 and to increase the deposit amount by $4,376.00 to $16,756.00.
FUNDING: Funded by Development Applicant.
Staff recommends that the Board approve the Agreement with Analytical Environmental Services and the First Amendment to the Funding Agreement with Real Returns, LLC to complete the preparation of the Focused Environmental Report and provide related planning and professional consulting services for the project.
On November 13, 2008, Real Returns LLC submitted applications to the County for a General Plan Amendment, Rezone, Planned Development, and Tentative Subdivision Map for the proposed Tilden Park development that would include 14 single family residential lots, ranging in size from 5,151 to 9,590 square feet (total of 2.97 acres), two commercial lots, which would b...
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