File #: 12-0255    Version:
Type: Agenda Item Status: Approved
File created: 2/15/2014 In control: Board of Supervisors
On agenda: 6/9/2015 Final action: 6/9/2015
Title: Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board authorize Transportation to proceed with the ordering and payment of a title report, color-coded parcel map and certified appraisal necessary to commence the acquisition process for the Diamond Springs Parkway - Phase 1A - SR-49 Realignment Project, CIP No. 72375, affecting a portion of the following subject parcel with title vested as: APN 054-351-35-100, Doran Enterprises CA LLC, a California Limited Liability Company. FUNDING: Master Circulation & Funding Plan, 2004 GP Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program and Local Tribe Funds. (No Federal Funds)
Attachments: 1. 4A - Vicinity Map 06-09-15, 2. 2A - Vicinity Map 2-4-14, 3. Public Comment Rcvd 02-03-14 BOS 02-04-14
Community Development Agency, Transportation Division, recommending the Board authorize Transportation to proceed with the ordering and payment of a title report, color-coded parcel map and certified appraisal necessary to commence the acquisition process for the Diamond Springs Parkway - Phase 1A - SR-49 Realignment Project, CIP No. 72375, affecting a portion of the following subject parcel with title vested as: APN 054-351-35-100, Doran Enterprises CA LLC, a California Limited Liability Company.

FUNDING: Master Circulation & Funding Plan, 2004 GP Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program, Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program and Local Tribe Funds. (No Federal Funds)
The Community Development Agency, Transportation Division (Transportation) will need to acquire a permanent Public Utilities Easement from the above referenced parcel for the Diamond Springs Parkway Phase 1A Project (Project). In order for staff to research title records and prepare for negotiations with the subject parcel owner, Transportation requests authorization from the Board to proceed with the acquisition process by the ordering and payment of a title report, color-coded map and certified appraisal for the land rights to be acquired.

Transportation is currently in the design phase of the Project. Originally referred to as the “Missouri Flat Pleasant Valley Connector”, the Project will provide improved traffic circulation and safety through and around the historic town of Diamond Springs. Phase 1A is the first of two phases necessary to complete the entire project design and includes realigning, widening and improvements to SR-49 from the new parkway intersection south to Pleasant Valley Road and signalization of multiple intersections. While the full benefit of the Project will not be realized until completion of all phases, Phase 1A will add benefit to the County’s traffic circulation and independent utility.

The Project i...

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