Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Award Request for Proposal #15-952-043 for Children's Outpatient Mental Health Services to:
a) Another Choice Another Chance, Inc.,
b) EMQ Families First, Inc.,
c) Sierra Child and Family Services, Inc.,
d) Summitview Child and Family Services, Inc., and
e) Stanford Youth Solutions, Inc.
2) Authorize HHSA to enter into contract negotiations with the five (5) aforementioned entities for aggregate amounts by service type not to exceed - Traditional Specialty Mental Health Services $1,660,000; Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Full Service Partnership Services $425,000; and MHSA Enhanced Foster Care Services $727,700; and
3) Direct HHSA to return to the Board with the results of the negotiations and proposed contracts for services.
FUNDING: Federal and State Realignment funds, Medi-Cal, and MHSA funding.
Chief Administrative Office, Procurement and Contracts Division, on behalf of the Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board award Request for Proposal (RFP) 15-952-043, and authorize HHSA negotiate with the five (5) proposers listed below:
1. Another Choice, Another Chance, Inc.;
2. EMQ Families First, Inc.;
3. Sierra Child and Family Services, Inc.;
4. Summitview Child and Family Services Inc.; and
5. Stanford Youth Solutions, Inc.
Welfare and Institutions Code (WIC) Section 5897 directs the State to implement the mental health services defined in WIC Section 5800 (Adult and Older Adult Mental Health System of Care Act), WIC Section 5840 (Prevention and Early Intervention Programs), and Section 5850 (The Children's Mental Health Services Act) through contracts with county mental health programs or with counties acting jointly. For many years, HHSA has contracted with the State to serve as the Mental Health P...
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