Supervisor Veerkamp recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 159-2015 for a one-time contribution in the amount of $13,000 to the Center for Violence-Free Relationships for implementation of Phase II of the Theory of Change process pertaining to homelessness in El Dorado County.
FUNDING: General Fund
On September 10, 2013 the Board received a presentation regarding Hangtown Haven, Inc. The Board gave direction to the Chief Administrative Office to convene an inter-agency task force (Transitional Housing Task Force) to research the homless shelter locations.
On September 30, 2014 the Board received a presentation from the Transitional Housing Task Force regarding the completion of Phase I of the Theory of Change process to address homelessness in El Dorado County. Center for Violence Free Relationships was engaged to facilitate a series of meetings designed to develop a unified vision for addressing homelessness in El Dorado County. The Center utilized a method called the Theory of Change to walk Task Force participants through the development process. The first Theory of Change meeting was held on April 17, 2014, with four more following through the summer of 2014. The Center’s work was funded partially by County Economic Development funds and partially by volunteer hours provided by a Center contracting facilitator.
The total cost of Phase II of the project is $52,000 and is 50% funded by in-kind donations, resulting in a need for funding in the amount of $26,000. The County contribution to the implementation of Phase II is $13,000 and there are sufficient appropriations in the department budget.
The Clerk will obtain the Chair's signature on the original Resolution.
Kathy Witherow, Assistant to Supervisor Veerkamp