Probation Department recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement No.122-S1611 with Core Correctional Solutions, LLC to provide as-needed training, guidance and consulting services in using and implementing the Effective Practices In Correctional Supervision-II. This agreement is for a three (3) year term beginning upon execution, for an amount not to exceed $120,000.
FUNDING: AB109 and Juvenile ReEnrty.
Probation Department recommending the Board approve Agreement No.122-S1611 with Core Correctional Solutions, LLC to provide as-needed training, guidance and consulting services in using and implementing the Effective Practices In Correctional Supervision (EPICS)-II.
Probation has found it more cost effective to provide training classes at locations in close proximity to Department staff on an “as-requested” basis; this reduces mileage and travel reimbursement costs, and allows for more efficient staffing coverage during times of training.
This agreement will allow Probation to provide classes with highly specialized training by experienced instructors in the Community Corrections and detention industries as well as consulting, coaching, and mentoring staff in the EPICS skill-sets and theories. Core Correctional Solutions, LLC has been endorsed by the Crime and Justice Institute, National Institute of Corrections.
Effective Practices In Correctional Supervision (EPICS) was developed by the University of Cincinnati (UOC) to instruct and assist community supervision officers with applying the principles of effective intervention in conjunction with effective community supervision practices to include but not limited to translating actual risk assessment results, developing case plans that target and prioritize criminogenic needs, providing evidenced based interventions that reduce criminogenic factors, reducing non-criminogenic barriers (e.g. employment, education, he...
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