Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board consider the following:
1) Approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 177-S1611 with Stanford Youth Solutions, for the provision of children's Mobile Services for Traditional Specialty Mental Health Services, Full Service Partnership Services, and Mental Health Services Act Enhanced Foster Care Services, for the term November 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018, with a maximum obligation of $266,667; and
2) Authorize the Purchasing Agent, or designee, to execute further documents relating to Agreement for Services 177-S1611, including amendments which do not increase the maximum dollar amount or term of the Agreement, and contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management.
FUNDING: Federal and State Realignment Funds, Medi-Cal and Mental Health Services Act Funding.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Agreement for Services 177-S1611 with Stanford Youth Solutions, for the provision of children's Mobile Services for Traditional Specialty Mental Health Services, Full Service Partnership Services and Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) Enhanced Foster Care Services, for the term November 1, 2015 through June 30, 2018, with a maximum obligation of $266,677.
HHSA further recommending the Board make findings in accordance with Chapter 3.13, Section 3.13.030 of the County Ordinance that there are specialty skills required for the work performed under this Agreement that exceed the capacity and facilities of the County; therefore, it is more economical and feasible to engage an independent contractor for mobile children’s Mobile Services for Traditional Specialty Mental Health Services, Full Service Partnership, and MHSA Enhanced Foster Care Services.
At the request of the HHSA, the Procurement and Contracts Division issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) 15-092-043 for comprehensive Children’s Specialty Mental Health Outpatient Services (SMHS). Nine vendors responded and submitted proposals for Traditional Services. Of the nine vendors, six submitted proposals for Full Service Partnership Services and MHSA Enhanced Foster Care Services. On behalf of HHSA, on July 28, 2015 (file ID 15-0852; Agenda item 9) Procurement and Contracts requested the Board award the RFP based on an evaluation of the proposals, and further requested authority for HHSA to negotiate with five recommended vendors.
The Board awarded the RFP and directed HHSA to enter into contract negotiations with all nine vendors who submitted an RFP with the intention that vendors would provide all services stated in the RFP.
HHSA requested verification from the vendors who had not proposed to provide all services stated in the RFP to determine their willingness and capacity to provide the full spectrum of outpatient specialty mental health services for children and adolescents. The spectrum of services includes Traditional Specialty Mental Health Services, Full Service Partnership, and Enhanced Foster Care Services, including Psychiatric and Medication Support Services and twenty-four hour Crisis Intervention. Of the nine vendors, one failed to respond to the request for verification and one responded but was unable to provide all services stated in the RFP.
HHSA held individual contract negotiation meetings with the remaining seven vendors. During the negotiation process, one vendor withdrew citing insufficient funding to establish an operation in El Dorado County, resulting in contracts with six vendors, including Stanford Youth Solutions. HHSA negotiated with Stanford Youth Solutions to provide mobile SMHS on an "as needed" basis, enhancing the availability of services in underserved areas of the County.
The negotiated contracts establish client slots (service capacity) and consistency in service delivery expectations, performance measures and outcomes, productivity, and funding; however, due to the uniqueness and "as needed" services of the mobile service model, this Agreement does not identify client slots . The outcome measures that will be monitored include the reduction in days psychiatrically hospitalized, reduction of school absenteeism, number of clients moving to a lower level of care, and number of clients graduating to community resources. In addition, the contract establishes a productivity standard of sixty-five percent for treatment staff.
Should the Board decline to approve and authorize Agreement for Services 177-S1611 with Stanford Youth Solutions, HHSA will not have the same level of flexibility offered by the unique mobile services provided by Stanford Youth Solutions.
County Counsel, Human Resources, Procurement and Contracts, and Risk Management
It is recommended that the Board approve this item.
There is no Net County Cost associated with this Agenda item. Sufficient appropriations were included in the Fiscal Year 2015-16 Budget, and will be included in future budgets as appropriate.
1. Clerk of the Board to obtain signature of Chair on two (2) original Agreements for Services 177-S1611.
2. Clerk of the Board to return one (1) fully executed Agreement to HHSA at 3057 Briw Road.
Health and Human Services Agency Strategic Plan Project 3.3 Mental Health Service Delivery Redesign, Objective 3.3.3 Develop and implement programs in alignment with the currently approved Mental Health Services Act (MHSA) plan.
Don Ashton, M.P.A., Director