Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 022-2016, which amends the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for HHSA to add one (1) full time equivalent (FTE) Mental Health Clinician.
FUNDING: State and Federal Funds.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board adopt a resolution adding (1) one full-time equivalent (FTE) Mental Health Clinician position to be funded by the cost savings resulting from the development of Restoration of Competency services provided directly by County staff as an alternative to complete reliance on contracted services to meet the needs of the community. HHSA will predominantly utilize the staff position to provide services, while retaining contractual providers to allow for times when the staff position may be vacant and/or to serve clients whose individual needs may require more restrictive setting.
HHSA budgets $500,000 annually to pay for contracted Restoration of Competency services through contracted providers. The cost of a full-time Mental Health Clinician is $161,545 (includes salary and benefits). The savings from reduced reliance on contracted providers will fund the allocation, so no additional funding is requested.
Pursuant to California Penal Code 1370.01, if an individual who is charged with a misdemeanor(s) is found incompetent to stand trial (IST) due to mental incompetence, it is the responsibility of the County Mental Health Director to ensure provision of speedy Restoration to Competency Services (ROC). The goal of ROC is to provide services in the least restrictive setting while improving the level of cognitive functioning of adult defendants whose return to court is hindered by an inability to comprehend basic legal proceedings and assist in their own defense. A successful ROC program consists of aggressive medication treatment and management of mental...
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