Development Services Department recommending the Board review the revised scope of work for the Integrated Natural Resources Management Plan and provide direction to staff to conclude contract negotiations with Science Applications International Corporation and return to the Board for contract approval of same.
The attached revised scope of services, budget, and work schedule for the INRMP prepared by SAIC is submitted for your consideration. The revised scope was prepared in accordance with General Plan Policy and in response to the direction provided by your Board on April 30, 2007.
In follow-up to the discussion with the Board on April 30, 2007, SAIC submitted a “not to exceed” cost proposal to assist the County of El Dorado with development of an INRMP as required by Policy of the General Plan. The proposed scope of work, schedule, and cost estimate are based on the Board’s previous guidance to focus the INRMP on meeting General Plan policy requirements. The proposal could be amended in the future to address any additional State or Federal regulatory requirements should the Board so direct. The work schedule projects completion of a public review draft INRMP by the end of 2008. The proposed budget is a not to exceed cost of $1,397,255. The previous cost estimate for preparing the INRMP to meet State and Federal regulatory requirements was $2,022,238 (including optional wetlands permitting tasks). Highlights of the revised proposal include reliance on existing available data/mapping resources to the extent feasible; extensive public outreach and involvement; numerous opportunities for meetings with the Board, Commissions and other committees; assistance in establishing the Plant and Wildlife Technical Advisory Committee; and completion of environmental review for the INRMP. As directed by your Board, rare plant issues are addressed in a separate scope of work that is planned to be coordinated with preparation of...
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