Development Services Department, Planning Services Division, recommending, pursuant to the Board of Supervisors motion on October 16, 2007, that the Board direct staff to follow one of the following options:
Option A -
Staff should continue to pursue a consultant-prepared Environmental Impact Report (EIR) using the September 11, 2007 Draft Winery Ordinance; or
Option B -
Staff should proceed with the September 11, 2007 Draft Winery Ordinance process utilizing the Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration prepared by staff on September 25, 2007; or
Option C -
Staff should proceed with the Winery Ordinance as amended by the March 17, 2008, Alternative Draft Winery Ordinance and process the amended ordinance utilizing an Initial Study/ Mitigated Negative Declaration. (Refer 10/16/07, Item 38)
Background: On October 16, 2007, the Board directed staff to prepare an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed Winery Ordinance. Discussion on the motion focused on three areas as summarized below:
1. Prepare the Notice of Preparation (NOP) using the draft ordinance. Staff prepared and circulated the Notice of Preparation (NOP) for a 30 day review period beginning February 20, 2008, and held one meeting with the Planning Commission on March 13, 2008. The State Clearinghouse distributed the NOP to State agencies beginning February 13, 2008, and ending March 13, 2008, and assigned State Clearing House number SCH # 2008022064. No comments were received by any State Agency during the review period.
2. Develop alternatives that address issues raised by the Board. Staff prepared an alternative ordinance labeled the March 17, 2008 Alternative Draft Winery Ordinance. This was developed in consultation with a sub-committee of representatives from the wine industry. The Alternative resolves issues raised by the Board and is designed to have less impacts than the current draft ordinance by reducing the threshold that triggers the need for a...
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