Adoption of Ordinance 4719 replacing Ordinance Code Section 15.14 pertaining to the Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance (Grading Ordinance) and Design Manual; said Ordinance is undergoing an update to bring it into conformance with current State law, the new County General Plan, other County ordinance requirements, and the adopted Storm Water Management Plan and has also been reformatted to limit the ordinance to necessary legal authorizations and to place technical design and procedural requirements in a volume of the County’s Design and Improvement Standards Manual (Design Manual). (Introduced 2/27/07, Item 45)
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Development Services recommends the Board take the following actions:
1. Find the amendments exempt pursuant to Section 15308 of the CEQA Guidelines; 2. Adopt Ordinance to replace the Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance, Section 15.14 of the County Code, with the revised language presented in the attached exhibits; 3. Adopt Resolution to approve the new Volume III of the County Design and Improvement Standards Manual for use in implementing Section 15.14 of the County Code; and 4. Adopt Resolution to designate the Administrative Authority(s) charged with implementation of Section 15.14 of the County Code.
Background: As discussed in the attached staff report to the Planning Commission, the County’s Grading, Erosion and Sediment Control Ordinance (i.e. the Grading Ordinance) was last updated in 1989, prior to the adoption of several related regulatory documents. This ordinance is undergoing an update to bring it into conformance with current State law, the new County General Plan, other County ordinance requirements, and the adopted Storm Water Management Plan. It has also been reformatted to limit the ordinance to necessary legal authorizations and to place technical design and procedural requirements in a volume of the County’s Design and Improvement Standards Manual (i.e. the Design Manual). T...
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