Mental Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign Agreement 492-S0711 with Fred Finch Children's Home dba Fred Finch Youth Center in the amount of $142,775 for a term to expire December 31, 2008 to provide specialty mental health services for children on an "as-requested" basis for said Department.
FUNDING: Medi-Cal, EPSDT and Realignment.
Total Estimated Cost |
$142,775 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$142,775 |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$142,775 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The total funding for this agreement is $142,775 for the two year period. There is no change to Net County Cost.
Background: Fred Finch Youth Center provides a dual diagnosis in-patient program for developmentally disabled and emotionally disturbed minors. The facility is located in Oakland.
Reason for Recommendation:The Mental Health Department at times has a need to provide in-patient services for El Dorado County minors that would include behavior stabilization and other therapeutic services for dually diagnosed individuals. The goal of the treatment is to allow the maximum amount of independence and the least restrictive environment in the shortest time possible. As Mental Health does not have the capability to provide these in-patient services, a contract was written with Fred Finch Youth Center to provide them.
Action to be taken following Board approval:Board Clerk's Office will forward the executed agreement to Mental Health for further processing. CAO's Procurement and Contracts Division will create a blanket purchase order.
Contact:John Bachman, Mental Health
Concurrences:This agreement has been approved by County Counsel and Risk Management, and a copy is on file in the Board Clerk's Office.