Transportation Department recommending the following pertaining to Creekside Greens Subdivision:
(1) Accept subdivision improvments as complete;
(2) Reduce Performance Bond No. 400TD2399 to $110,304.33 to guarantee against any defective work, labor done, or defective materials furnished and release one year after acceptance if no claims are made;
(3) Hold previously posted Laborers and Materialsmen Bond No. 400TD2399 in the amount of $551,521.68 to guarantee payment to persons furnishing labor, materials or equipment and release six months after acceptance if no claims are made; and
(4) Adopt Resolution 064-2007 accepting those streets within Creekside Greens, Unit 3, subdivision map boundaries and Monte Verde Drive as shown in Creekside Greens, Unit 2 into the County Maintained Mileage System.
Total Estimated Cost $0
Budgeted $0
New Funding $0
Savings $0
Other $0
Total Funding Available $0
Change To Net County Cost $0
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
There will be no fiscal impact to the County as future road maintenance costs are provided under a Road and Drainage Zone of Benefit (CSA 009, Zone 09, Resolution No. 290-2002).
Reason for Recommendation:
The Subdivision Improvements for Creekside Greens, Unit 3 have been substantially completed according to the plans, specifications and conditions of the Agreement to Make Subdivision Improvements for Class I Subdivisions Between the County and Owner dated August 31, 2004.
The streets within Creekside Greens, as shown in Book J, Page 4 of the County Final Maps, and Monte Verde Drive, as shown in Irrevocable Offer of Dedication for Road and Public Utilities Easement DOC. 02-70124, are to be accepted by Resolution into the County's Maintained Mileage System.
The Performance Bond No. 400TD2399 for $1,103,043.37 guarantees against any defective work, labo...
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