Environmental Management Department recommending Resolution authorizing the submittal of the Reuse Assistance Grant Application for Fiscal Year 2007/2008 to the State of California Environmental Protection Agency, California Integrated Waste Management Board.
RECOMMENDED ACTION: Adopt Resolution 058-2007.
FUNDING: State of California Environmental Protection Agency.
Total Estimated Cost $
Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: Grant recipients must provide matching contributions and/or the value of staffing or consulting time dedicated to the grant in an amount equal to or greater than fifty percent (50%) of the requested grant amount. The Environmental Management Department, if approved, will be awarded $50,000 from the State of California Environmental Protection Agency, California Integrated Waste Management Board. Both the Environmental Management Department and the Snowline Hospice Placerville Thrift Store (Placerville Thrift Store) will supply matching funds of approximately $25,000. The majority of the County’s portion of the matching requirement will be met through grant administration support supplied through CSA #10 Solid Waste Funds. If approved by the State, the Department will bring back the appropriate budget adjustments.
There is no change in Net County Cost.
Background: The management of solid waste has become a prominent issue across California. Assembly Bill 939 requires that each County in California reach 50% diversion by the year 2000 and every year thereafter. El Dorado County has maintained this goal since 2003.
Reason for Recommendation: El Dorado County will partner with the Placerville Thrift Store to assist with refurbishing furniture, appliances, and computers. With this grant, the Placerville Thrift Store w...
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