Human Resources Department recommending advanced step placement of a specific Sr. Personnel Analyst candidate at Step 5 of the Salary Range for the position of Sr. Personnel Analyst.
Total Estimated Cost |
$842.40 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$ |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$842.40 |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$842.40 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0.00 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: The net county cost will be $0.00 because the department has sufficient salary savings from the position being vacant.
Reason for Recommendation: Deborah Kal is requesting a voluntary demotion to a Sr. Personnel Analyst position. Ms. Kal currently works for the Department of Human Services as a Sr. Staff Services Analyst, at step 3, which is $33.11 per hour. When setting the pay for the Sr. Personnel Analyst position for Ms. Kal, her current salary of $33.11 falls between the step 4 and 5. In following voluntary demotion rules she is entitled to the lower step, which is step 4, at $32.40 per hour. The Department is requesting to offer Ms. Kal a step 5, at $34.02 per hour, due to her previous Human Resources related work experience.
Ms. Kal has approximately 6 years of previous experience in the Human Resources Department of El Dorado County and over 3 additional years of experience as a Labor Relations Officer with the City of Sacramento.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Department to make an offer of employment for a Sr. Personnel Analyst, step 5.
Contact: Cheryl Dorosh, 621-6566