Supervisor Baumann recommending two members of the Board of Supervisors be appointed to represent the County in developing a funding mechanism to determine the share costs for the member agencies of the El Dorado Water & Power Joint Powers Authority in obtaining water rights.
The El Dorado Water and Power Joint Powers Authority was formed in 2004 to negotiate with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District during the re-licensing of their Upper American River Project. The EDWPA consists of the El Dorado Irrigation District, Georgetown Public Utility District, the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors and the El Dorado County Water Agency. The El Dorado County Water Agency has been the sole funding source of the EDWPA since 2004. EDWPA is now pursuing water rights to use under the Coordination Agreement with SMUD. A cost sharing agreement between the EDWPA agencies is proposed as the acquisition of water rights is an expensive effort.
Supervisor Baumann recommends the Board appoint two members of the Board to represent the County in developing a detailed funding mechanism to determine the share costs for the member agencies of the El Dorado Water and Power Authority.