Transportation Department recommending the Director of said Department be authorized to sign Task Order 05-935-02 with Quincy Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $852,747.91 with a completion date of February 14, 2008 to perform professional services associated with the development of Geometric Approval Drawings for the El Dorado Hills Boulevard Interchange and Highway 50 Mainline work through El Dorado Hills.
FUNDING: 2004 General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program.
Total Estimated Cost $852,747.91
Budgeted $400,000
New Funding $
Savings $
Other* $452,747.91
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $
*has been included in ‘07/’08 fiscal year budget.
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:
These consultant services are funded by the 2004 General Plan Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Program. The Department has sufficient revenues budgeted in those accounts to fund this Task Order. There is no net cost to the County General Fund associated with this agenda item.
Reason for Recommendation:
Subsequent to the discussion related to Item #20 at the regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors on March 13, 2007, the Department met with the Chief Administrative Office (CAO), County Counsel, and the Purchasing Agent to discuss criteria associated with Professional Services Agreements. Pursuant to discussions at that meeting, and in consultation with the Auditor-Controller, the Department has submitted updated recommendations to the Board under a separate Agenda Item to be heard at this same meeting, including recommendation #7 of that item in response to the Board’s request for an interim revised Task Order approval process. In anticipation of policy decisions that may arise from decisions by the Board on the other Agenda Item, the Department is requesting that the Board consider authorizing the Department to issue this Task Order.
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