Human Services Department, Community Services Division, recommending implementation of the Affordable Housing Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Offset Program, and recommending adoption of Traffic Impact Mitigation Fee Offset Program for Developments with Affordable Housing Units Policy and related Program Procedure Manual and Application Format.
FUNDING: Federal and State transportation revenues.
Total Estimated Cost $0.00
Budgeted $
New Funding $
Savings $
Other $
Total Funding Available $
Change To Net County Cost $0.00
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: No change.
Reason for Recommendation:
On August 22, 2006 the Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 266-2006 establishing a Traffic Impact Mitigation (TIM) Fee Program as proposed by the Department of Transportation as part of the process to implement Measure TC-B of the General Plan. The TIM Fee Program includes a provision to allow for an affordable housing TIM fee reduction, providing up to $1 million in set aside federal and state transportation revenues per year for 20 years in TIM fee reduction offsets for qualifying affordable housing developments. The Director of Transportation approached the Director of Human Services requesting that said Department develop policy and procedures that would allow affordable housing developers to apply for a TIM Fee Offset on their project(s) based on income categories represented. A contract for services was subsequently executed with Pacific Municipal Consultants to develop a TIM Fee policy and application that would assist the County in calculation of offsets and administration of the TIM Fee Program.
Copies of the proposed TIM Fee Program Policy, Program Procedure Manual and Application Format are attached and on file with the Board Clerk.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
Human Services to publish public notice inviting ...
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