Mental Health Department recommending Chairman be authorized to sign retroactive Agreement 504-S0811 with California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $262,500 for the term March 7, 2008 through March 31, 2011 to provide mental health rehabilitation services for mentally ill adults on an "as requested" basis for said Department.
FUNDING: Funding for Institute for Mental Disease and mental hospital placements such as this come from the MHD's annual Managed Care allocation, which for Fiscal Year 2007-2008 is $809,000.00. To the extent that the MHD needs more than this amount, those funds would come from Realignment. Projections indicate that the allocation for the current fiscal year is sufficient.
Total Estimated Cost |
$262,500 |
Funding |
Budgeted |
$262,500 |
New Funding |
$ |
Savings |
$ |
Other |
$ |
Total Funding Available |
$262,500 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$0 |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost:There is no Change to Net County Cost.
Reason for Recommendation: California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc. (CPT) is a locked adult psychiatric treatment and rehabilitation facility located in Delhi, California providing services to various counties in Northern California. CPT provides symptom stabilization services to severely mentally ill adults with the goal being for patients to be able to return to less restrictive settings in the community.
Care is provided at three levels of intensity, ranging from Level 1 (lowest intensity) to Level 3 (highest intensity), each with its own daily rate. The levels of care are distinguished principally by the amount of staff time required to attend to each patient. Level 1 is priced at $180 per day, Level 2 at $200 per day, and Level 3 at $240 per day. The level of care required by patients is identified at the time of admission and reviewed every 90 days thereafter.
The Purchasing Agent has coordinated the review of this contractor's qualifications to perform the described services and concurs that California Psychiatric Transitions Inc. has demonstrated its ability to perform the work based on prior experience with this contractor, qualifications of the contractor, and the availability of the contractor to perform the services.
The Mental Health Department has requested a contract with CPT to provide the 24-hour special treatment services described above. The Purchasing Agent has reviewed the department's request and concurs that continuing to make the services of this contractor available to the County is appropriate.
The Purchasing Agent has also determined that it is appropriate to dispense with any competitive selection process for this services contract and concurs that the department's request is in compliance with Board of Supervisors Policy C-17, Sections 7.4.2, 7.5, and 7.10.
This contract is retroactive due to contract processing delays.
Action to be taken following Board approval:
1. The Board Chairman will sign two duplicates of Agreement #504-S0811 with California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc.
2. The Board Clerk's Office will forward the executed agreement to the Mental Health Department.
3. The Mental Health Department will forward to the Procurement and Contracts division of the Chief Administrator's Office one duplicate of the fully executed agreement with original signatures, together with supporting administrative documents.
4. The Mental Health Department will forward to California Psychiatric Transitions, Inc. one duplicate of the fully executed agreement with original signatures.
Contact:John Bachman, Mental Health
Concurrences:This agreement has been approved by County Counsel and Risk Management and a copy is on file in the Board Clerk's Office.