Sheriff's Department recommending Board authorize Chair and Sheriff to sign amendment to agreement 08-LE-11051360-002 Modification No. 006 (County #272-O1011) of the Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement with the US Forest Service.
FUNDING: US Forest Service Funding
Total Estimated |
$61,933.32 |
Funding |
Original Amount |
$36,000.00 |
Prior Amendments |
$20,000.00 |
This Amendment |
$ 5,933.32 |
Total Funding Available |
$61,933.32 |
Change To Net County Cost |
$ -0- |
Fiscal Impact/Change to Net County Cost: This amendment will be included in the Sheriff's addenda for use in FY2010-11. This amendment is a funding adjustment for FY2009. The original term of the agreement remains the same.
Reason for Recommendation: On December 15, 2009, the Board approved Agenda Item 08-1071 (Item #13) approving amendments to the Cooperative Law Enforcement Agreement with the US Forest Service. Funding from this agreement is designated to provide patrol and operations in the El Dorado National Forest. Including this amendment the total amount of this agreement is $61,933.32 for the term of the agreement.
This amendment is retroactive because the paperwork was misplaced. It was received by the Sheriff's Department in March 2010 and subsequently misplaced.
Action to be taken following Board approval: Upon approval and signature by the Board Chair the Sheriff's Department will forward the documents to the US Forest Service for final execution and request fully executed copies for the County.
Contact: Sheriff Kollar or Acting Fiscal Admin Manager, Sherry Bahlman
Concurrences: County Counsel, Risk Management