County Counsel recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 4 to Agreement 621-S1211 for Legal Services between El Dorado County and Abbott and Kindermann, LLP for review and general advice pertaining to CEQA compliance for General Plan Biological Policies Update and Various Specific Plans.
FUNDING: General Plan Amendments - General Fund. Specific Plans - Applicant Funded.
County Counsel recommending the Board authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 4 to Agreement 621-S1211 for Legal Services between El Dorado County and Abbott and Kindermann, LLP for review and general advice pertaining to CEQA compliance for General Plan Biological Policies Update and Various Specific Plans.
On June 26, 2012 the Board approved an agreement with Abbott and Kindermann, LLP for legal services associated with the preparation of and defense of General Plan Amendments, the comprehensive zoning ordinance update, and the update to the travel demand model. The Agreement was amended a first time to further specify the term of the Agreement (Amendment 1), amended a second time to add to the scope of work related to various specific plans (Amendment 2), and amended a third time to clarify the funding sources for work related to the general plan update and work related to the specific plans (Amendment 3). Law Firm is currently assisting the County with the preparation of amendments to the General Plan Biological Policies and various specific plans. The purpose of this Amendment 4 to the Abbott & Kindermann, LLP contract #621-S1211 is to add a “not to exceed” amount, amend the term of the agreement, and to add a new Section 19, Assignment of Agreement.
Abbott & Kindermann, LLP is a law firm that specializes in land use and CEQA matters. William Abbott is a recognized expert in the field of California land use law. The firm is highly qualified to assist the County with the Biological Policies Update process an...
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