Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board:
1) At the request of the Food Bank of El Dorado County, approve and authorize the Chair to sign letters of termination addressed to the Food Bank of El Dorado County and Cameron Park Community Service District, to terminate Memorandum of Understanding 523-M1510. The termination shall be effective the same day as the Board’s approval of the termination;
2) Contingent upon County Counsel and Risk Management approval, approve and delegate authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to execute a Facility Use Agreement with the Cameron Park Community Services District to use the space located at 2502 Country Club Drive, Cameron Park, for the Senior Nutrition Program, for a term commencing February 1, 2017 through January 31, 2020; and
3) Adopt and authorize the Chair to sign Resolution 220-2016, which amends the Authorized Personnel Allocation Resolution for HHSA to increase the Mealsite Coordinator allocation by .33 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) in order to operate the Cameron Park Senior Nutrition Program. The cost of adding .33 FTE Mealsite Coordinator is estimated to be $9,500, which is offset by an estimated $3,000 due to Senior Nutrition Program participant donations resulting in a Net County Cost of $6,500. HHSA acknowledges savings in the Senior Services programs that will cover the Net County Cost.
FUNDING: General Fund and Senior Nutrition Participant donations.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign letters of termination addressed to Food Bank of El Dorado County and Cameron Park Community Services District, at the request of the Food Bank of El Dorado County to terminate Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) 523-M1510. The termination shall be effective the same day as the Board’s approval of the termination.
Further, pursuant to Board direction provided on December 6, 2016 (File 15-04...
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