County Counsel recommending the Board authorize the Chair to execute Amendment 2 to Agreement for Legal Services Between El Dorado County and Abbott & Kindermann, LLP, Agreement 432-S1611, to add a new Section 19, Assignment of Agreement, related to the conversion of the firm's legal status from a limited liability partnership to a professional corporation.
FUNDING: General Fund.
County Counsel recommending the Board of Supervisors Authorize the Chair to Execute Amendment 2 to Agreement for Legal Services Between El Dorado County and Abbott & Kindermann, LLP, Agreement #432-S1611, that adds a new Section 19, Assignment of Agreement, to the Agreement.
The County currently has an agreement for legal services with Abbott & Kindermann, LLP to provide legal services to the County in the action entitled Rural Communities United v. El Dorado County Board of Supervisors, County of El Dorado, El Dorado Superior Court case No.PC20160024. Law Firm recently converted its legal status from a limited liability partnership (LLP) to a professional corporation and this action by the Law Firm requires an assignment of the Agreement from Abbott & Kindermann, LLP to the successor professional corporation Abbott & Kindermann, INC. It is recommended that a new Section 19, Assignment of Agreement, be added to the Agreement to consent to the assignment on the following conditions: 1) the officers and shareholders of the successor professional corporation are the same as the existing partners in Abbott & Kindermann, LLP; 2) Abbott & Kindermann, LLP assigns all of its rights, obligations, duties, title and interest in and to this Agreement to the successor professional corporation; 3) the successor professional corporation accepts the assignment of the Agreement with all of its terms and conditions; 4) successor professional corporation assumes each and every duty and obligation owing to County arising out of or in conne...
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