Chief Administrative Office recommending the Board amend Resolution No. 152-80, which established the Fire Advisory Board, in order to include emergency medical services among the issues on which the Board will advise and to clarify the role of the Fire Coordinator.
Amend Resolution No. 152-80, which established the Fire Advisory Board, in order to include emergency medical services among the issues on which the Board will advise and to clarify the role of the Fire Coordinator.
The Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution No. 152-80 on May 13, 1980, to establish the Fire Advisory Board. The Fire Advisory Board was established as a technical advisory body to assist and advise the Board of Supervisors on structural fire prevention and other fire-related issues. The Board consists of five voting members and a County Fire Coordinator who is appointed by the Board of Supervisors as a non-voting member. Candidates to serve on the Board are recommended by the El Dorado County Fire Chiefs' Association and appointed by the Board of Supervisors.
The Fire Advisory Board has not been active in recent years. In an effort to work more closely with the Board of Supervisors on the many challenges facing the County related to fire and emergency medical services, the Fire Chiefs' Association has recommended using the Fire Advisory Board as the main point of communication on these issues. The Board accepted the resignation of two members and appointed two new members at its March 7th meeting. At the same meeting, the Board directed staff to return with amendments to Resolution 152-80 to include emergency medical services within the scope of the Fire Advisory Board and selected Supervisors Frentzen and Veerkamp as a subcommittee to work with staff and the Fire Advisory Board on fire and emergency medical services.
After reviewing Resolution 152-80, staff and the Fire Advisory Board chair determined ...
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