Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA), recommending the Board:
1) Accept the Medi-Cal Targeted Case Management Provider Participation Agreement 09-17EVRGRN (County 477-F1711) offered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) for claiming Federal financial participation and reimbursement for Targeted Case Management Services, for a term beginning on an effective date to be decided by the DHCS and continuing until terminated by one of the parties thereto, with an estimated annual reimbursement amount of $125,000;
2) Accept the Medi-Cal Provider Agreement (Form 6208, County 479-M1710) that governs Agreement 09-17EVRGRN and is issued by DHCS for a term beginning on an effective date to be decided by the DHCS and continuing until terminated by one of the parties thereto (no cost to either party);
3) Delegate signature authority to the HHSA Director to sign Agreement 09-17EVRGRN and Form 6208 and to execute further related documents, if any, contingent upon approval by County Counsel and Risk Management, if applicable; and
4) Approve and authorize the HHSA Director, Assistant Director of Administration and Finance, or Chief Fiscal Officer to execute any fiscal and programmatic reports required for said Agreements.
FUNDING: Federal Medicaid managed by DHCS.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending that the Board accept the funding offered by the California Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) to offset some of the costs incurred for the Public Guardian Program for Targeted Case Management (TCM) services to eligible Medi-Cal beneficiaries.
Acceptance of the Medi-Cal Targeted Case Management Provider Participation Agreement 09-17EVRGRN (Agreement) and of the Medi-Cal Provider Agreement (Form 6208) are each necessary for HHSA to continue to participate and receive TCM reimbursement from DHCS.
The County has participated in the Targeted Case Management (TCM) pr...
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