Chief Administrative Office, in conjunction with the Sheriff’s Office, recommending the Board approve a pilot staffing program that provides the Sheriff’s Office with greater flexibility to recruit for essential positions based on immediate need and in the best interest of public safety, while still maintaining appropriate internal controls to ensure the Sheriff’s Office does not exceed his allocated budget or total allocation of positions. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)
The Chief Administrative Office and the Sheriff’s Office, with concurrence from Human Resources and County Counsel, are recommending the Board approve the following:
1) Approve a pilot program ending June 30, 2018, that allows the Sheriff’s Office to recruit and fill certain classifications specified by the Board of Supervisors as described below necessary in the best interest of public safety, as long as (a) the number of staff does not exceed the total number of 375 allocations in the Sheriff’s Office, and(b), monthly expenditure projections completed by the Sheriff’s Office and validated by the CAO’s office verify the Sheriff’s Office will not exceed appropriations in the current fiscal year, or within the following 12 month period.
2) Pursuant to Personnel Rule 205 have the Board find that by reason of unusual circumstances rigid adherence to the principles relating to the Underfill or Overfill of Regular Full/Part Time Positions as set forth in Personnel Rule 806 would be detrimental to the best interest of the county as it relates to the specific enumerated classifications. (4/5 vote required)
3) Direct the Chief Administrative Office and the Sheriff’s Office to report back to the Board prior to July 2018 with a determination of whether the pilot program was successful and should be continued.
4) Authorize the Chief Administrative Office, Sheriff’s Office and Human Resources to implement this pilot program after notifying affected labor organizations and to the ...
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