Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee, in coordination with the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board receive and file a presentation from HdL companies. A similar presentation was provided to the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee on September 19, 2016, focusing on revenue and enforcement options regarding medical marijuana. (Est. Time: 1.5 Hr.)
Ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee, in coordination with the Chief Administrative Office, recommending the Board receive and file a presentation from HdL companies. A similar presentation was provided to the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee on September 19, 2016, focusing on revenue and enforcement options regarding medical marijuana.
On September 19, 2016, the HdL companies provided a presentation to the El Dorado County ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee, which has periodic meetings open to the public regarding marijuana policy in El Dorado County. The presentation provided the group with revenue and enforcement options around the State of California. The presentation provided more context on the issue for the attendees and was recommended for the full Board of Supervisors. (Only two members of the El Dorado County Board of Supervisors are on the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee.)
Background Information on the Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee
The El Dorado County Board of Supervisors created the ad hoc advisory committee at its March 15th, 2016 special meeting regarding medical marijuana. During the special meeting, the Board of Supervisors were provided an overview on the current medical marijuana laws and reports from County departments, stakeholder groups, and the public on how medical marijuana policy decisions could affect them. At the conclusion of the meeting, the Board of Supervisors created the ad hoc Medical Marijuana Advisory Committee to collect more infor...
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