Health and Human Services Agency recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 4 to Agreement for Services 164-S1211 with California Tahoe Emergency Services Operations Authority, for ambulance transportation services, for the term September 1, 2011 through August 31, 2019 with an estimated increase of $894,000 for an approximate maximum contractual obligation of $10,894,000. (Est. Time: 15 Min.)
FUNDING: County Service Area 3 - Benefit Assessment (South Shore Area); Special Tax (West Shore Area); and fee for ambulance services.
Health and Human Services Agency (HHSA) recommending the Board approve and authorize the Chair to sign Amendment 4 to Agreement for Services 164-S1211. This Amendment 4 defines the roles and responsibilities of the parties for implementation of electronic Prehospital Care Report (ePCR) software and tablets and increase the monthly funding for a part-time Inter-facility Transfer (IFT) ambulance to $21,000. In addition, authorize a one-time reimbursement to fund an immediate purchase of one new ambulance at $210,000, one remount of an ambulance at $110,000, and work expenses to facilitate integration of the ePCR software with the contracted dispatch agency not to exceed $7,000, for a total of $327,000.
In accordance with County Ordinance Section 3.13.030, HHSA determined that the nature of ambulance transportation involves emergency services, and the contractor will provide equipment, materials, facilities, administration, and support services related to providing work that may not be feasibly provided by the County.
California Tahoe Emergency Services Operations Authority (Cal Tahoe) has provided contracted ambulance transport services via Agreement 164-S1211 since 2011 (originally approved under Legistar No. 11-0073).
Currently, Cal Tahoe utilizes a manual (paper) method of reporting Prehospital Care Reports. To maintain compliance ...
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